LLI Logo

office (781) 545-5571
fax (781) 545-5312
e-mail pic @ leblanclabs.com

"Embedding Intelligence"


Our services include Engineering Consulting, Design Engineering, Contract R&D, Product Development, and Project Management.

We develop deeply embedded Micocontroller/DSP/FPGA systems, Analog/Digital Circuitry, PC Boards, Firmware and Software.

Product Development Capabilities 

  • Research & Development
  • Feasibility Investigations
  • Proofs-of-Concept
  • Independent Design Reviews
  • Product Specification
  • Design & Development
  • Prototype Construction
  • Project Management
  • Technology Transfer to Manufacturing
  • In-House Assembly of Small Volumes (larger volumes via partners)
  • CNC Model-Scale Milling
  • Thermal Testing

Electrical Design Capabilities

  • Embedded Systems Development
  • System Architecture / Design Partitioning
  • Microcontroller / DSP / Microprocessor Design
  • Mixed Signal (A/D, D/A), Analog, RF, Digital Circuit Design
  • Sensor/Transducer/Actuator Interfacing and Signal Processing
  • Programmable Logic Design: Verilog, AHDL, Minc DSL, ABEL, Synario, PALASM
  • FPGA/PLD Design: Lattice MachXO, Altera Max 10/Cyclone, Nios II, Cypress PSoC, Microchip(Actel), MAX II, MAX7000/3000, AMD Mach, PALs, DSP
  • Communications: USB, SPI, I2C, UART, Ethernet, CAN, 1-Wire, UNI/O, RS-232/422/485, SDCard, PCMCIA, HPIB
  • Altium Designer Partner - End-to-End Design
  • Schematic Capture (OrCAD, Allegro, PADS Logic)
  • Circuit Simulation (LTSpice, PSpice)

PCB Design Capabilities

  • PCB Design and Layout
  • Altium Designer (current version), PADS Layout, Power PCB
  • Component Libraries
  • 3D Model Creation
  • Gerber Artwork Generation, RS-274X, ODB++
  • BOM Generation
  • Assembly and Fabrication Drawings
  • PCB Fabrication
  • Component Procurement
  • Prototype SMT Assembly

Software Design Capabilities

  • Firmware for Microcontrollers
  • Real-Time Software Development
  • Algorithm Development, Control Loops, Filtering, PID, PWM
  • Graphic LCD and User Interfaces
  • Windows Development (C#, Python)
  • AWS Internet-of-Things
  • C/C++/C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, VB, BASIC, FORTRAN
  • Assembly Language for Miriad Processors
  • ARM Cortex-M, STM32, SAM, PIC32, dsPIC33/30, PIC24, PIC18/16/17/12/10, MSP430, NIOS II, ADuC, ColdFire, 80C186, HC05/08, 8051, 8748, RISC, CISC
  • DSP, dsPIC, ARM Cortex-M4F, TMS320, ADSP-21xx
  • Bare-Metal Embedded, FreeRTOS, Windows, Linux, DOS, CMX, uC/OS, Windows Embedded, CE, LabVIEW
  • Code Analysis tools, Lint, Understand, VS Code, NetBeans, Eclipse, SlickEdit, CodeWright

 Ideas to Reality
